UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) ​​is a standard for uniquely identifying information. Python provides a simple method to generate UUID, which is very useful in application scenarios that require a unique identifier. For example, generating unique user IDs, session IDs, etc. The following is a detailed description of how to generate UUID using Python.

Use the uuid module to generate UUID

Python's standard library uuid module can be used to generate various types of UUIDs. The following is a sample code that demonstrates how to generate a UUID:

import uuid

namespace_uuid = uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS
name = "perfcode.com"

uuidv1 = uuid.uuid1() 
uuidv3 = uuid.uuid3(namespace_uuid,name)
uuidv4 = uuid.uuid4()
uuidv5 = uuid.uuid5(namespace_uuid, name)

Program running results


UUID Versions

There are currently 5 versions of UUID, each with a different generation method:

  • UUIDv1: Generated based on timestamp and MAC address;
  • UUIDv2: UUID generation based on DCE security;
  • UUIDv3: Generated based on MD5 hash value of namespace and name;
  • UUIDv4: Generated based on random numbers;
  • UUIDv5: Generated based on SHA-1 hash value of namespace and name.

It should be noted that Python does not have a built-in uuid.uuid2() function;